Brush the Dirt Off

We didn't realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun.

I don't know about you, but I have a couple pairs of shoes that I just cannot seem to let go of no matter how bad they get. I'm talking about holes in the soles, tape holding them together, dirty looking sneakers. For me this is a pair of black converse that I have had since sophomore year of high school. For the life of me I just can't part with these. No matter how much my mom begs me, or people laugh at me. These shoes have become a part of my life. I don't keep them because I think they are fashionable. I keep them because of what has happened in them. When I look at those dirty old shoes I see memories. I see people of the past who I don't talk to anymore. Sometimes, I see a little regret. 

It's common knowledge that converse look way cooler when they have some wear and tear to them. It's a symbol that you have adventured in them, stepped in some puddles, and have had a few good days in your chucks. I honestly think converse were meant to last for decades. They can be some of the toughest shoes out there. They might even survive the impending nuclear war. 

We are kind of like the grubby shoes that we keep under our beds, or in our closets. We have seen bad days, good days, and had adventures in our shoes. You may feel like an old pair of converse. Covered in dirt, with a few tears. Not really of much value anymore. Well, the dirt on you just shows that you've lived. You have tried, and failed. You had had to retie the laces of your life a couple of time. Or maybe you have succeeded. You have adventured to new places, with new people, and made new memories. Our time on this earth is like a new pair of shoes, and we just get better with age even though we start to look older. We are not meant to live lives that are pristine and free of any blemishes. This is how we learn. We can look back on our dirty shoe like life, and remember how we felt at a certain moment and change our course of action to not feel it again.

Old converse are cool people! Don't worry if you have had to step in more puddles than the other person, because that just means you have a little adventure under your belt (or laces). Don't compare your life, to the "perfect" life of another, because truth be told is that they sometimes feel like their life is a dirty pair of shoes too. We spend our life thinking that we need to have an easy life with nothing that would cause us to stumble. A life that looks as good from the outside, as it feels on the inside. 

 Life is tough. But that's why converse were made. To be tough and last through everything. Just like you. You were built to last through everything. Just might need some tape, and new laces every once in a while. Don't rash on your "old sneaker" looking life, because those are the ones filled with memories. Those are the full ones.  

 So, brush off the dirt people. Put on your dirty sneaks, and go make some memories. Or go on an adventure. Or just go to the grocery store. Whatever floats your boat. Just don't worry about everyone elses shoes too, because we all got a pair of old converse. 
Peace and Blessings
