Yes (Wo)Man

“Probably some of the best things that have ever happened to you in life, happened because you said yes to something. Otherwise things just sort of stay the same.”
Danny Wallace,
Yes Man

I know what you're thinking of right now, and it is that Jim Carrey movie where he has to say yes to everything. (Or maybe not, I'm just making assumptions here).  I remember a few things from the movie; like a Harry Potter themed party, Zooey Deschanel being her supremely funny and awesome self, and something about being mistaken for a terrorist. 

Now those three things are not the core theme of the movie, and the main thing I took from the movie is that saying yes can be scary, but it can also be dang amazing. I am guilty of saying no a lot. I am not a big fan of change, or new things to be honest. So, I find myself saying to people that I can't. I don't have the time. Sorry, not today. 

Now I am beginning to realize everything that I have been missing out on. New friends, new experiences, and new adventures. I am missing out on life! I am wasting each precious second that I have been given. All because I am afraid of change and new things. Let me tell you something though, and this is that fear is a liar. Fear is the biggest bully there is. Fear keeps us from saying yes to a a life lived to the fullest.

Say yes. Even if you just start by saying yes to something new once a week. That is making a change. By even just saying yes once more than you normally do you could be stumbling into one of the greatest things of your life without even knowing it. Most often, the things we want and need have a funny way of showing up when we quit looking for it. Or forcing it. So just say yes to something. Go into it without expecting anything but a new experience, and who knows, maybe that thing you have been hoping for will show up. 

I can't promise all your life's dreams will come true, but I can promise that something will happen. What is that something? I don't know. A new friend? New job? New vacation? Maybe even something as simple as a new pair of shoes. What really matters is that its something different. Something that wouldn't have happened if you had said no. You are branching out, and widening your horizons. If we all continue to broaden our horizons just a little bit more then who knows what our world can come up with. Imagine our drastically our world could change if we all started to live a little more, and say yes just a bit more often.

So don't be afraid to say yes! Life is too short to hide behind the word no. Don't let fear tell you to not do it. Take a chance. Take a leap. Who knows, you just may blunder into one of the best things to ever happen to you. 



  1. Hey, I saw a link to this on facebook. These are cool! I'd like to see an update on how your 'yes' experiment turns out ;)


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